ProTradex Empowers and Blesses “FOCUS 2023 MACAO Web3 Builders Consensus Summit” Successfully Concluded


On April 3, the FOCUS 2023 MACAO Web3 Builders Consensus Summit led by ProTradex was successfully held in Macau. With the theme of “Riding the Wind and Waves, Focusing on Web3”, the conference deeply explored the theory and practice of Web3.0 innovation, shared excellent cases of Web3 applications represented by ProTradex, and explored the opportunities and challenges facing the ecological development of Web3.0 in the new era.

This conference brings together hundreds of pioneers of the Web3 era, experts, scholars, and elite leaders from all walks of life to gather in Macau to discuss the wave of opportunities under the new trend of Web3. And ProTradex, as the empowering ecology of the summit, will also keep pace with the times. With the trend of industry unicorns, it will explore the depth of the encryption market and create a grand blueprint!


At the beginning of the conference, ProTradex Chief Strategy Officer Anthony made an opening speech for the summit as a representative of the organizers. In his speech, Anthony introduced the original intention and business layout of ProTradex, and then introduced the ecological positioning and future layout of ProTradex. Finally, it was mentioned in the speech that the vision of the advent of ProTradex is to better solve the liquidity problems faced by the current derivatives market, promote the development of more decentralized derivatives protocols for cryptocurrencies, and achieve common profits. Promote the active development of the cryptocurrency decentralized derivatives industry, and further improve capital utilization with an innovative derivatives ecology.


Subsequently, Evgeny Bazhov, the plenipotentiary representative of the Eurasian Cooperation Organization Finance and Banking Association in mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau, Singapore and Malaysia, delivered a speech and expressed warm congratulations on the successful holding of the summit. He believed that in the new era, the digital economy has been Referring to the height of national strategy, accelerating digital transformation is the only way to become world-class.


In the theme sharing session of the summit, many guests expressed their opinions on the topic of “Web3 development trend”. Professor Steven, a professor at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University and a PhD in Finance from Toronto, mentioned that the concept and technology of decentralized Web3.0 can be combined with financial services, or It will revolutionize the financial industry. Tony Tang, co-chairman of the Hong Kong Blockchain Association (HKBA) , said that thanks to Hong Kong’s mature wealth management industry foundation and technology and financial innovation environment, the Hong Kong government’s declaration and subsequent implementation policies will undoubtedly promote the prosperity of the global Web3.0 industry develop. Cai Zhichuan, president of the Asian Blockchain Society , shared new policies and business opportunities for virtual assets in Hong Kong. He believes that virtual asset exchanges and management companies will usher in explosive growth in Hong Kong. Tony Fu, executive director of the Hong Kong International New Economic Research Institute, believes that Hong Kong, as an international financial center, will definitely become a bridge for the innovation of virtual asset financialization of mainland and overseas assets.

As the important sharing session of this summit, ProTradex global ambassador Danrod brought the theme sharing of “ProTradex Vision” once again to the climax of the meeting. Danrod explained the ecological development of ProTradex from four aspects: platform positioning, business model, encrypted derivatives business (NFT lending), and Q2 ecological layout planning.


Danrod mentioned: ProTradex is a one-stop financial service platform focusing on the field of cryptocurrency decentralized derivatives. It is committed to providing liquidity for encrypted assets and improving capital utilization (including NFT and FT assets), providing more Long-tail users offer lucrative benefits. At the same time, the platform deeply innovated NFTFi, launched NFT-related financial derivative services, and further released the value stored in illiquid blue-chip NFT. At present, the income section of the platform includes three aspects: handling fee, service fee and position. In the ecological layout planning of Q2 this year, ProTradex plans to invest in/layout the public chain wallet. Based on the ecological wallet, ProTradex will expand derivatives exchanges, public chains and other sectors in the future, so as to gradually build a complete and diversified application ecology.


In addition, Danrod also shared the development history of ProTradex, and made an in-depth discussion on the brand’s experience in the blockchain and financial technology industry, covering the application of blockchain technology, its use in different business sectors and its impact on the community. The succinct and straightforward narration allowed participants to clearly understand the glory of ProTradex along the way. In fact, the development history of ProTradex around the world is supported by data. Every major data disclosed means the hard work of the brand in the process of rapidly expanding the operation team. With the overall presentation of major data, the efforts of the multi-regional operation teams have finally come to fruition. Today, ProTradex’s industry popularity and global influence are steadily improving around the world, and it is marching towards the top of the industry.


When the theme sharing session came to an end, the scene once again burst into warm applause. Under the impetus of the host, the meeting reached a climax again. Wonderful content sharing, melodious music, accompanied by soft lighting, under the witness of representatives of the leaders of the major communities and the guests, everyone took a group photo, and the FOCUS 2023 MACAO Web3 Builders Consensus Summit also came to a successful conclusion.

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